
We have 4 principles, our so-called 4th P's

Deliberately not phrased as demands: Our demand consists in the practical implementation of the principles

P1: Climate justice

Those most affected by climate change are often those who have contributed the least to it. As a result, there is climate injustice in the world. We are therefore calling for climate justice through intersectional and solidarity-based solutions - so that those who suffer most from the climate crisis are no longer those who are least responsible for it.

P2: Anti-capitalism

Like many other crises of our time, the climate crisis cannot be viewed independently of the capitalist economic system. It cannot be solved in or with capitalism. Capitalism favours constant economic growth, which is incompatible with sustainability and environmental protection. Capitalism promotes environmentally harmful practices. Capitalism reinforces the existing climate injustice, makes the rich richer and the poor increasingly worse off. 

P3: Anti-fascism

We live in times in which the political right is steadily gaining strength, in which hatred and agitation against minorities are on the rise. Fascism is a major and very topical threat that concerns us all. It is therefore important to stand united against fascism - also as a climate justice movement.

Fascism reinforces climate injustice because it denies the danger of the climate crisis and at the same time focuses entirely on a specific state or a clearly restricted group of people. Fascism discriminates against, persecutes and fights against all others who do not fit into this group. Marginalised groups that are affected by climate injustice are already suffering in particular.

P4: Free spaces for young people

In order to counter the various crises of our time, we need self-managed spaces for young people in which they can organise themselves and bring about change together. Young people must not simply be ignored and made dependent on others for their self-organisation. Self-organised spaces enable a certain degree of (political) independence and open up new scope for action.
