Climate camp in front of the PFL with a varied programme

Why does the camp exist?

Man-made climate change threatens our livelihoods every day. We have had enough of remaining unheard. At the climate camp, we want to strengthen ourselves together, find new ways to resist and grow.

Who are we?

The climate camp is organised by a diverse group of climate, climate justice, anti-capitalist, feminist and animal rights activists. Our aim is to win people over to our activism and values. Everyone who wants to is welcome, but especially young people. However, discriminatory behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated.

We do not tolerate Nazis, anti-Semites, racists, anti-feminists, queer/inter*/trans*phobes and other people who discriminate against people through their views.

What is happening at the camp?

Das Klimacamp bietet einen offenen Raum für Austausch, Vernetzung und gemeinsamen Aktivismus. Unser Programm umfasst Workshops, Klimacafés, Vernetzungstreffen und Aktionen. Das Klimacamp bietet eine zugängliche Protestform, die neuen Menschen einen einfachen Einstieg in den politischen Aktivismus ermöglicht.
